Do you know of someone who’s in need of a little Soil Sisters flower love? A friend who has had a rough year? A family member who needs a little extra love? Someone in our community who loves flowers but doesn’t have the funds this year to have them around? Well maybe a bouquet of flowers every week for twelve weeks this summer would cheer them up!
An anonymous donor has offered to purchase a CSA share for someone this 2016 season who is in need. Please respond below with your nominations. Keep in mind that your nominee needs to live in or near Nevada City/Grass Valley and be available on Tuesday evenings to pick up their CSA share. If your nominee can not, then we ask that you commit to picking it up and delivering it yourself. If you prefer your nomination/nominee to be anonymous, please email us at soilsistersfarm@gmail.com with the subject line: Flower CSA Scholarship. Please subscribe to our blog, where we will be announcing the winner Monday, May 2nd, or visit our site on that date. If a prefered anonymous nominee is chosen we will keep said-winner anonymous but at least let everyone know that we have found our recepient!
And if you can’t wait a month, consider signing someone you love up for our CSA anyways! We still have spots left and they are going fast. We offer payment plans, email us if you’d like to discuss options. The CSA runs end of June/beginning of July thru September – 12 weeks at $12/week. We harvest and arrange our CSA bouquets the same day as our pick up – always conveniently located in downtown Nevada City (exact location to be announced).
Thank you and Happy Spring!